The Caston JH
boys Cross Country team won the conference behind the duo of Austin Dague (10:22.83) and Edison Byrum (10:43.51) who finished 1-2. Otherplaces for the 1st place Comets were: 12-Caleb Stinson, 13-Connor Sommers, 20-Marshall Finke, 24-Alex Craig, 41-Braden Rush
3-10 finishes – Kolbey Wegner – W, Leighton Dodt – P, Tyler Schumacher – NJ, Lincoln Hulsey – L
Jackson Baker – P, Wyatt Stowe – NJ, Peter Walsmith – K, Chandler Westafer – T
The final scores were
Caston 48
North Judson 73
Winamac 75
Pioneer 77
LaVille 113
Triton 140
Knox 159